Pet Advice Categories
  • An appointment has been made on , at am for to be admitted.
  • We appreciate that leaving your pet is a worrying experience, and hope that the information provided in this leaflet will help answer any questions or queries you may have regarding your pets stay with us.
  • Please give your cat a small meal on the morning of your appointment, before 8am.
  • Please leave water available until you come to the practice for your appointment.
  • Please keep your cat inside the night before their operation, with a litter tray.
  • Please label any items you leave with your pet, so that we can be sure to get them back to you. We do recommend that you only leave your pet’s collar with us – we will make sure we provide lots of comfy bedding we promise.
  • We will ask you to read and sign a consent form during this appointment, the contents of the form will be discussed with you.
  • An estimate of likely cost will be provided during this appointment.
  • It is extremely important that you leave a telephone number that we can contact you on during the time that your cat is with us. This will allow us to provide you with progress reports during the day.
  • We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that all anaesthetic techniques, even simple ones, involve some risk. We keep this risk to a minimum by using modern drugs and techniques. We will ensure that your cat has a full physical examination before any anaesthetics are administered. If we have any concerns we will contact you, and discuss them with you.
  • In order to minimize anaesthetic risk still further we offer a pre-anaesthetic blood test which costs £30 and can be performed prior to your cat’s operation, with results usually being available within 20 minutes. This blood test helps us check for any pre-existing problems that may not be evident on a full examination, but which could cause complications.
  • You will be asked if you would like us to perform this blood test when your cat is admitted.
  • This blood test also provides us with your cat’s normal blood values, should any problems ever arise in the future.
  • We are able to offer light laser therapy, free of charge, at the time of your cat’s operation. The therapeutic light laser treatment is suitable for dogs, cats and rabbits; it is free from side effects and produces a mild soothing heat over the area treated. The light laser penetrates deeply into the tissue and provides energy that stimulates cell function so promoting healing. It is also thought that the light energy helps reduce the transmission of pain signals from nerves to the central nervous system, this leads to an increased rate of healing and a d decreased level of pain. We offer this therapy as part of the cost of your pet's surgery if we feel it is clinically justified.
  • We are also able to offer follow up light laser treatments for a small fee of £5 per session, per site treated, to help reduce pain and decrease the recovery time needed. Please ask at the time of discharge if you would like to book appointments for this.
  • Most patients are day patients, and will go home the afternoon or evening of their procedure. We will contact you with a progress report and arrange a discharge appointment for you.
  • At this discharge appointment you will be given the full details of the procedure performed, and any further examinations or treatments that are likely to be required.
  • We recommend that your pet has a buster collar fitted post operatively if they have a wound, or dressing. This is to prevent them interfering with the healing process. These are available from us for a small fee.
  • We also recommend that your kitten is given a special diet for a few days after their operation, which has been specially formulated to aid recovery. We are happy to provide this in the form of a food feline recovery by Royal Canin, for a small charge. This pack provides food for up to 2 days.
  • As a polite reminder please note that we require you to settle your account when you collect your kitten, this enables us to continue providing the care we do. We will be able to tell you the cost of the procedure, in most cases when we contact you to arrange your discharge appointment.
  • Should you wish to make an insurance claim for your kitten’s treatment, please bring a signed claims form with a stamped address envelope and all your insurance policy details with you to enable us to submit an insurance claim on your behalf, you will need to pay your insurance policy excess to us at this time. Please note that routine or preventative procedures are usually not covered by pet insurance; please check with your insurance company for clarification

Please tell us at your admit appointment, if you would like to have your cat microchipped.

* Please note that only a veterinary surgeon can provide an estimate, and that this will be based on the treatment deemed to be required at the time of admission. Estimates are approximate as your pet’s requirements may change during the procedure. We will try to contact you to discuss any additional costs, especially if they look to be greater than 20% more than the estimate provided. However sometimes such treatments may be required immediately in the event of an emergency of if your pet’s welfare would be compromised by not providing timely treatment. Additional charges may arise if complications occur. As such, the total bill may vary depending on further medications or treatments requested by the attending veterinary surgeon. Please rest assured that the veterinary surgeon will always act in your pet’s best interests.

We appreciate that leaving your pet is a worrying experience, please telephone or email us if you have any questions or concerns.

  • My Pets Vets

    Walter Leigh Way, Leigh, WN7 3GP
    Tel: 01942 417800