Your pet needs to stay with us, and we appreciate how concerning this must be for you, so we have put some information together to help put your mind at rest.
Your pet will be spending their time with us in a purpose built kennel area, with lots of lovely warm and cosy bedding appropriate to their needs.
We have dedicated wards which ensure that different species of animals do not stay in the same room. This helps reduce their stress levels dramatically , and keeps them nice and settled. Our cat and rabbit wards have dimmable lighting which allows us to monitor them whilst helping them feel more settled.
In addition, we frequently use calming sprays, such as pet remedy and species specific synthetic pheromones, to help keep your pet as relaxed as possible whilst they recuperate.
If your pet has a particular preference for food, or bowls that they like to eat or drink out of, or a particular type of bedding, please let us know so that we can make things as close to home for them as possible whilst they are with us.
Our entire team are dedicated to providing the best care possible to your pet whilst under our care. We know that this doesn’t just involve tending to their medical needs, but also extends to things like cuddles, conversations and grooming – all of which they would get at home with you. Please do not be concerned if your pet does not appreciate these things, we work out each individual pets needs and work with them.
Rest assured your pet will get the medical care and attention that the vet in charge of their case feels is necessary during the night, as well as the day. Please note that our vets will provide the care your pet needs during the night, however we do not have dedicated vets working in the practice overnight.
Our nurses and vets hold rounds at 8:30am and 3pm each week day. During this time, they discuss all the patients that are staying with us and formulate their ongoing treatment plans.
They will then aim to telephone you with an update before 10:30am, if you have not heard from them by this time we ask you to call the practice between 10:30am -11 :30am. Please try not to call before this time as we may not be able to provide you with the information that you need. Our dedicated inpatient nurses will keep you updated throughout the day.
We invite you to telephone again between 6:45pm – 7pm for a final update of the night. At this time, it is likely that our duty vet will be available to speak to you, if necessary.
Of course, if our duty vet needs to speak to you after this time, regardless of the hour, then they will contact you via the contact numbers you have been asked to provide.
We are all animal parents ourselves and know just how worrying a time this is for you, so if you need to phone and ask how things are then please do – a member of our team will be able to relay a message to you if a vet is unable to speak to you themselves.
We do ask that you leave us with contact telephone numbers that we will be able to contact you on should we need to.
We also find it best if you don’t leave any of your pet’s belongings or bedding with us, as unfortunately, we cannot guarantee their safe return. However, we may ask you to bring in your pet’s favourite food or some treats.
We do not have set visiting hours, but we can arrange for you to visit your pet whilst they are recuperating with us. These visits are dependent on your pet’s condition and also how well you feel your pet will cope with you visiting and then leaving them again. We are happy to discuss this and to arrange a visit for you. In fact we may ask you to visit if we think it will help with your pet’s recovery.
We encourage you to ask questions and to call us if you are worried. We promise you are not bothering us, so please do not feel that you are.
The My Pets Vets Team.